Saturday, January 28, 2023

Book 1578 Part 1 - Search for the secret BIG BANG .... sex / pleasure party with Daisy Toledo & Daisy M-theory and Bangkok


Book 1578 Part 1 - 

Search for the secret BIG BANG 
.... sex / pleasure  party 
with Daisy Toledo & Daisy M-theory

and Bangkok vagina data processing codes

The 3 Red Light Bandwidth Districts in Bangkok

 Soi (atomic Soil language)  Cowboy

 Nana Plaza 

(Na--> nano-second processing speed

interface with a 
female bio-computer ....
c pussy)

 Patpong --> pong implies ping (bio-computer ping generated by BEDROOM sex ..oscillation activity....

thus --> Biology version of  .... ping pong ) 


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