Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Book 1552 Part 1 Burt Wolf equations ... Burt route Nero Wolf earth .... Rex Stout and Beef protein THOUGHT machine .... Route of Beef Roulades


Book 1552  Part 1 Burt Wolf equations ...

Burt route Nero Wolf earth .... Rex Stout and Beef protein THOUGHT machine .... Route of Beef Roulades 

..translated by Herb Zinser 

 with Burt Lancaster ..... Lan + cast + er -->

earth atomic land  ..... theater earth and the 

amino acid molecule theater with a cast of
human action figures and human information display devices .....

such as the amino education site at the 

Amish school shooting at
geography geo-region of Georgetown,
Lancaster . Pennsylvania 

Beef protein THOUGHT machine .... 

Route of Beef Roulades and falling in love ....

Wisconsin farm boy ....
meat boy meets astrophysics trophy girl ....

in the Chicago Loop 

malicious BRAIN  interference and
brain neuroscience SOFTWARE attacks on the
male ZINJAN skull project brain 
on the
Chicago-Dolton project .....
Carl Jung secret sub-conscious GROUP MIND 

... the brain bio-computer 

......NOSE .....SE = Social engineering  condition codes
tracked by the human kissing / mouth /nose system 

...... the secret
Chicago falling in love management system  

ERRORS and failure to fix the
atomic social sciences
--> atomic proton  --.>
proteins of a age 18, age 19 ..... 
teenage GODDESS from Dolton Illinois

Advanced accounting class  with the

secretary school females at the 


systems site for
Nature's social engineering and  feedback control systems at the 

Robert  F  White  payroll company,
data processing school,  and secretary school 

..... and the basic accounting class with

MR. Z (atomic number Z male with
high school algebra (cotton thought molecules
used in the cotton bra .... a molecular container that holds 2 female bio-computer data containers ....
2 breasts as 2 data sets) 

basic collage math and the mathematical desire of calculus(t) for female math curves

Joan (an = atomic number female language  code)